
Celebrating Cesar Chavez Day on March 31

30th Mar 2021

March 31 is Cesar Chavez Day, commemorating the birthday of the Arizona-born civil rights and farmworkers union leader.

Chavez’s impact is still felt today, including at Chicanos Por La Causa, where he fasted for 21 days in 1972 at Santa Rita Center as part of a peaceful protest against social injustice.

There has been much resulting advancement. However, inequity continues yet today in education, housing, healthcare, economic opportunity, criminal justice and political empowerment for Latinos and other underserved communities.

During his lifetime, Chavez provided the commitment, leadership and voice for change. Echoes of Chavez reverberate still today via the words, deeds and actions of familiar and new Latino voices alike – all calling for change by being agents of change.

CPLC Action Fund today joins friends and supporters in saluting Chavez by continuing to advance his life work and vision.

Gracias, Cesar Chavez (1927-1993).

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